Informally, a "euregional" cooperation already existed from times when there were no current countries Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany, let alone the Euregio. For example, in the 15th century, the possibility existed to earn a "full indulgence" by participating in the pilgrimage of Saints with relics display in Aachen, visiting seven churches there and doing seven stations of one's choice from a number of cities around Aachen, including Aldeneik (later Maaseik), Liège, Hoei, Roermond, Rolduc, Sint-Truiden, Susteren, Tongeren, Maastricht, ... In 1982, the idea arose for a cooperation between the committees organizing seven-year celebrations: Hasselt, Tongeren, Maastricht and Susteren. From 1988 this idea was put into practice. The city that organizes the next seven-yearly feasts always takes the chairmanship.
Sept. 10 to 17, 2023